Love & Health Tele Summit 2022
Candle Magick Rituals for Love, Health & Relationships with Simmin Bawa
It is the use of candles, herbs, oils, crystals, spells, etc. for enhancing health and relationship with partners and all other relationships.
It also involves the 5 elements - earth, water, fire, air, spirit and with divine grace, blessings and guidances. When these 5 come together, releases take place and the space created by release is filled with manifestation energies.
Simmin’s healing using this technique removes known, unknown, conscious, subconscious and unconscious blocks in health, love and relationships.
• Bonds and binds relationships
• Brings Love and romance
• Releases blocks and enhances quick manifestations
• Bestows and restores health issues
• Speeds up all types of love and relationship manifestations
★ Interactive rituals and healing live sessions
★ Healing continues for 8-12 hrs after session till candles get extinguished
★ Some of the materials used are - candles, herbs, oils, crystals, spells, etc.
★ No materials required at your end. Simmin will do all the rituals and healing for you
★ Includes specifically created secret spells that work for each one in the group
★ Healing applies for every member in the group
About Simmin Bawa

Simmin Bawa is a tremendous healer with an expertise in 35 modalities and has been practising as a holistic healer from the age of 16! She specialises in Auto-writing and channeling, Candle Magick, Crystals, Graphology, Past Life Regression, Crystal ball gazing, Numerology, Runes, Tea-leaf reading, and many more techniques. She practises and teaches these courses.
Simmin is a born clairvoyant, claircognizant and clairaudient and she knew from an early age that she has to contribute spiritually. She also has the gift of light language!
Simmin also works as the Professor and Head of Department, Philosophy, Jai Hind College, Mumbai. She is an avid researcher and academician, currently pursuing PhD. Simmin is famous for her approachable nature and advanced teaching skills not only in her college but also in her healing workshops. No wonder, she is the recipient of the Best Teacher's Award for 3 consecutive years.