The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Money Summit 2021
5X Money Healing with Siddhii
This is a mix of 5 super powerful healing modalities to heal your money issues. These healing modalities are either learnt by Siddhii from the masters of the art or she has received them as gifts during her spiritual encounters.
1. The Celestial Dragons Healing System - Dragon spirit energies are among the most powerful to unblock monies and clear the road for manifestation.- This technique brings in breakthroughs, heals at the cellular level and draws in money inflow
2. Humkara with Haleem - uses the transformational powers of Divine energy, mantra energy and the energies of symbols to impact all aspects of life.- To cleanse and EMpower money Energies
Money Reiki and Ashta Lakshmi Reiki - These two forms of Reiki are a power package of Reiki energies that are clubbed with the “Spiritual energy of Money”. Their goal is to create financial abundance with ease.
3. Money Reiki - To draw in Positive money inflow
4. Ashta Lakshmi Reiki - To make money energies blessed
5. Sri Yantra and Lotus Healing - A form of Goddess Lakshmi herself, very powerful tool to attract abundance in your life- To create a new energetic pattern for Increased money flow
Siddhii has worked with over 300 people during the pandemic and many of them have seen instant money flow and breakthroughs.

About Siddhii Shaah

Siddhii Shaah is a gifted Psychic Medium, Spiritual Mentor who at the age of 16 started interpreting others’ dreams for them. Siddhii was introduced to the field of energy healing at a very young age. Today, she imparts knowledge and attunements with many celestial beings such as dragons, angels, unicorns, elves, fairies, centaurs and more! She excels at working with different dimensions.
She's known for being a channel for Angel messages, Angel card Readings, and workshops of many healing modalities.
People from different countries, beliefs and languages have benefitted from Siddhii’s knowledge and practical understanding. Her style of teaching is compassionately unique and her knowledge - outstanding.
Also, one of Siddhii’s strongest points is to deliver simple, effective and result-oriented solutions. She is known to walk the extra mile to help her students get the best of what she has to offer.