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Revati Dighe

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Family Constellations Workshop -

Levels 1, & 2

The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Healers' Training Summit 2021

Highlights from the Call

• Click Here -Family Constellations decoded! Revati Dighe beautifully explains this therapy technique

• Click Here -Family Constellations demo by Revati for Deepa's relationship issue brings out unique revelations

• Click Here -Powerful Family Constellations demo for Shraddha's conflict with her sibling -by Revati dighe

• Click Here -Family Constellations as a solution for everything, Pallavi shares after learning from Revati Dighe

• Click Here -Sonal's inner child work for clients empowered with Family Constellations learnt from Revati Dighe


CLICK HERE to watch Demo Call Replay

About Family Constellations

Family Constellations is a powerful technique that helps to identify and resolve dysfunctional and hidden patterns in the family system, relationships, workspace, etc. Through this technique, solutions are explored, communication and connections are reinstated within the system, and a healthy balance is achieved.


This is a form of systemic therapy where the person is seen in the context of the family system as a whole rather than a separate entity. A person’s experience and issues in life are also seen in the backdrop of the systemic whole. It’s like a puzzle. Even if a piece goes missing, the puzzle cannot be completed. Similarly, when something is amiss in the system, it shows up in a person’s life. Even though the individual may not be aware of all the details pertaining to the family and its ancestry, the method allows for exploring and resolving known as well as latent issues.


Through this work, one gets access to previously ignored aspects that have been playing out blindly in life. Family Constellations help to bridge the gap from unconscious patterns to conscious choices.


How one goes about this is that they explore issues through a live improv without script experience, which reserves as a living map of their life, that helps to make the subconscious conscious which is then guided towards a healthy resolution.


• Identify and resolve dysfunctional and hidden patterns in the family system, relationships, workspace etc.

• Get help in your relationship with the mother, father, partner, spouse, lack of a partner, in-laws, work relationships, friendships, etc.

• Find resolutions for relationships or career not working out and faltering, betterment of emotional state, getting clarity about life path, finances not working out, dysfunctional family relationships, lack of communication, stuckness, stagnation, inability to break patterns and so on.

• Family Constellations help to bridge the gap from unconscious patterns to conscious choices and bring closure to ancestral patterns, eventually bettering our lives.

• Discover your inner strengths and resources and move on in life with a better perspective.

• Learn to let go of your bitter, uncomfortable, traumatic experiences imprinted in you since the moment you were conceived and free yourselves.

• Get a second chance at life

• The focus is not on dissecting the symptoms. Rather it is more about accepting the past and moving on with a better perspective and inner strength.

Benefits of Learning Family Constellations with Revati

★ Learn from the best! She has received advanced training at the founding institute of FC!

★ Healed 1000s of families, so teaches tons of perspectives

★ Learn to fish, instead of just gathering fish. Learn to observe symptoms as sign posts for the root issue

★ 360-degree resolution to any issue

★ Heal presenting + hidden unconscious issues

★ Become a part of Revati’s facilitators’ community and get lifetime support

★ Learn all ethics and how to safely practice

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About Your Healer-Instructor, Revati Dighe


Revati Dighe is a therapist with an established practice in the field of family and systemic dynamics. She is trained in Family and Structure Constellations with advanced training at the founding institute for Family Constellation – the Bert Hellinger Institute, Germany. She has also learned FC from like Yuval and Moghan in India, Mark Wolynn - author of It Didn’t Start With You; Hans Tendem for Organizational Constellations besides her own in-depth study.


A dedicated therapist, avid learner, ex-human resource leader and adventurer at heart, Revati enjoys helping people connect the dots of their life, find healthy solutions to challenges and transcend into the best version of themselves.


Revati has worked with over 2,500 people since she began as a therapist in 2014. Recognising and resolving issues rooted in family history and patterns, the impact of parents, bloodline and ancestors on our lives are her forte. She has guided her clients with physiological, mental, emotional, financial, relationship, career, health, and quality of life-related issues and the roadblocks in their growth in the respective areas.


After having a fulfilling HR career for over 16 years, Revati is now also a certified Yoga Teacher, trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Inner Child Work, and many more modalities. She also has a keen interest in the expressive arts, which she is currently exploring as a student of classical music and dance.

Connect with us if you wish to know more


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