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Nidhu - HTS24 - Upgrade B to C

Package C: Includes Packages A & B 

That’s Package A: One Minute Light Prayer Decree Practitioner Certification (Enlightened DNA, part 1) PLUS

Package B (Includes Package A): Family Light Decrees Practitioner Certification (Enlightened DNA, parts 1 to 6)

Package C: Trainer’s Certification & More



✓ Get the permission to teach and train others!


• Total 8 Calls (6 Calls of Package B + 2 Summit BONUS Calls)
• Unlimited support calls (group-need based till 30 Nov 2024)

• Get membership of a private Facebook group for Q&A and to share your experiences with other trainers (till Dec 2024)

• All trainer’s e-certificates will be provided by The Mystic Lotus Academy at no extra charge! 

• Super-Super offer in September's training 
• On-ground meet in Mumbai, India


Includes PACKAGE B (which INCLUDES PACKAGE A) -Family Light Decrees Practitioner Certification (Enlightened DNA, parts 1 to 6)



✓ INCLUDES PACKAGE A (and 2 Bonus Summit Calls)
✓ 5 Family-Light-Medicine Calls
✓ Advanced Light Prayer Decrees

✓ Based on Saturn Retrograde (father), 
Neptune Retrograde (mother), 
Mercury + Uranus Retrograde (child)


• Approx. 1.5-2 hours @ 6.30pm India / 9am ET

• Audio calls (except call 1).

• All replays will be available with lifetime access

• Include breathwork, the 10-second 3 taps grounding, Money work, Prosperity Bath prayers, healing + learning

• Receive Call Summaries and a PDF with all our work (it will be like a textbook by the time we finish!



• 1 Training Call-replay and 2 Nidhu's Bonus Healers' Training summit calls with lifetime access

• 7-day practice with daily Light Prayers (on Telegram group & email)

• Get your practitioner e-certification (after submitting 3 Light Prayers of your own. Your case studies are the ones you submit on the group itself / email)

• Membership to Nidhu’s home Facebook group to keep knowing more Decrees (link shared above. Please join)

• PDF Notes

• Get the Gold Standard Prayer Decree (basic setup) with 5 adaptations

• Make your own after knowing the basic setup

• Make your own 7-DAY package to sell!! (you are eligible to share all The Prayer Decrees taught)



22 June 2024 - Full Mooney Divine Masculine Saturn Retrograde Special (Enlightened DNA part 2)

• Be able to see your father as he is / was
• Release his dark (in you) with The Parent Forgiveness Decree
• Increase his light (in you), setting him and his lineage free too!
• Heal his (yours) Money karma
• Make peace with him for yourself and your mother

Note - It is possible that you will remember past lives that included him or the lifetimes that reveal the learnings you need today

• Telegram group & email practice for 11 days (24 June to 4 July) to integrate


05 July 2024 - New Mooney Divine Feminine Neptune Retrograde & Water Special (Enlightened DNA, part 3) 

• Release your mother's dark (in you) with The Parent Forgiveness Decree
• Increase her light (in you), setting her and her lineage free too! 

Note - It is possible that you will remember past lives that included her or the lifetimes that reveal the learnings you need today

• Calm her angry and anxious programs and make peace with her

• Telegram group & email practice for 12 days (8 to 19 July) to integrate


20 July 2024 - Full Mooney Yin + Yang Organ Compatibility (Enlightened DNA, part 4)

How your parents govern you physically, biologically and how the interaction between them impacts your health and wealth is key to our call

Besides with Mercury retrograde around the corner on 5th August, we will need to be in balance and more willing to take charge and accountability of our lives!

• Telegram group & email practice to integrate -
Yin organs awesomeness (from 22 to 26 July)
Yang organs awesomeness (from 29 July to 3 Aug)


5 Aug 2024 - New Mooney Mercury Retrograde (Enlightened DNA, part 5)

As the youngest and most mischievous planet, Mercury retrograde makes us retro too… to our childish selves. It is why we get more emotional and impatient, exactly like we did as children! It is also why it is a great time to work on being an adult and allowing ourselves to stop repeating childhood traumas in our health, wealth and relationships

Our childhood also tells us a lot about our Karma so this call sets us up for our final call…. 

We'll work on installing cheerFULL childhood/teenage/young adult (pre-30 years of age)

• Telegram group & email practice for 8 days (7 to 14 Aug) to integrate


19 Aug 2024 - Full Mooney Divine Karma (past life) Awesomeness (Enlightened DNA, part 6)

Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Mercury will be retrograde and all we need to unlearn in terms of habits and behaviours, including self-sabotage, will be impossible to deny and so our most intense week of habit healing will begin 


We will choose a new habit and begin to incorporate it as a new habit/behaviour signals the completion of a Karma


• Telegram group & email practice for 6 days (21 to 26 Aug) to integrate


Program Schedule


• Bonus Summit Call 2: 

6 June 2024 @ 6.30pm India / 9am ET (Zoom call)


• Light Prayers Training: 

8 June 2024 @ 6.30pm India / 9am ET (Zoom call)


• 7-day Practice (on Telegram group & email): 

10-16 June 2024


• Extended Telegram group access (for Q&A, doubt-solving):

17-21 June 2024



​• Enlightened DNA, part 2 Call: 22 June 2024
Practice on Telegram group & email: 24 June to 4 July 2024

• Enlightened DNA, part 3 Call: 5 July 2024
Practice on Telegram group & email: 8 to 19 July 2024

• Enlightened DNA, part 4 Call: 20 July 2024
Practice on Telegram group & email:
Yin Organs Awesomeness: 22-26 July 2024
Yang Organs Awesomeness: 29 July - 3 Aug 2024

• Enlightened DNA, part 5 Call: 5 Aug 2024
Practice on Telegram group & email: 7-14 Aug 2024

• Enlightened DNA, part 6 Call: 19 Aug 2024
Practice on Telegram group & email: 21-26 Aug 2024

• Get certified by submitting 6 case studies (2 for yourself): Post 26 Aug 2024

Nidhu - HTS24 - Upgrade B to C

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