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Veejay Israani

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Samruddhi: The Money Workshop

Abundance unlocked! Discover your mutant power, connect with money and change your world forever.

The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Money Summit 2021

Highlights from the Call

Click Here - Struggling with money? HERE are the ROOT CAUSES why we struggle with Money - by Veejay Israani

Click Here - Powerful Buddha healing meditation to activate 24-hour comfort with money

Click Here - Channeled Message FROM LORD SHIVA for YOUR Prosperity

Click Here - Double Income! Magazine cover Feature! 10X Sales! HERE'S HOW!!

Click Here - She got a double promotion; her sister manifested a job after 4 years & lots more pouring in...

Samruddhi - The Money Workshop with Veejay

Money is such an important component of life that all our life incidents, pleasures, and achievements revolve around it. Having faced quite a few money issues and challenges in his business and money world, Veejay has put in extensive work in finding the root causes of money issues and dealing with them. He has done everything it takes to become a money magnet, to attract clients and money in our lives.​

One of Veejay’s aims in life is to help people become millionaires and it’s through falling in sync with the laws of the universe and not mere efforts that one can achieve that. Once a person gets in sync with the laws of the universe, they automatically open up the vast abundance all around.​

Veejay’s money workshops and sessions are full of experiences and testimonies. For instance, someone immediately recovered Rs 1.5 lakhs from a person who was not giving it back, while two others bagged business orders of Rs 1.25 cr and 18 lakhs respectively.​

This workshop is a unique program designed by Veejay's company, Satvakirani. It's a combination of Veejay's learnings through his masters, channeling-downloads and his own experiences. This program is not available anywhere else.

Atleast 250 people have seen major permanent transformations since the first pandemic lockdown.

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About Veejay Israani


Veejay Israani is a breakthrough coach, cause and effect expert, spiritual researcher, Bachflower therapist and above all, a transformer! A computer engineer turned healer, Veejay has helped atleast 5,000 people in less than 4 years in the areas of health, wealth, relationships and other concerns.

With Veejay, even a casual conversation can turn out to be a major transforming factor in your life. His biggest support is the founder of his company Satvakirani, Kavita Israni, Veejay’s mother who first started the alternative healing journey and was later joined by him.

Veejay regularly conducts workshops which are known to bring huge shifts in a short time in the participants.

Veejay has come up with 100+ quotes and is in the process of writing a book.

One of his now famous quotes is-

“The past is never dead, it's alive even today and will be tomorrow. No new future is ever possible without healing or clearing the past. Future is simply the past recycled.”

Connect with us if you wish to know more


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