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Nidhu B Kapoor

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Become One-Minute & ONE SECOND Alchemist!

✔ Shifts and results in minutes & SECONDS!

✔ Work with Number Decrees & Love Decrees

✔ Heal self, loved ones and clients

The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Healers' Training Summit 2022

Highlights from the Call

Click Here - Become a Healer and Alchemist in 4 Simple Steps!! It takes ONLY one minute to Learn and Apply!!

Click Here - Here are 10 seconds Alchemists. Become 10 second Alchemists like these two strangers did!

Click Here - Want to Help or Heal others? You NEED to Know this

Click Here - Where are You in the 2 stages of the Healing Journey? Find out what they are and where you might be!

Click Here - RECEIVE the ONE Second Secret Alchemy!!

Mini-Workshop Certification - One-Minute Alchemy Training


CLICK HERE to watch the Replay


CLICK HERE to listen Call Replay 3 (audio call)

About The Decrees

The Decrees are, simply put, action statements on steroids or mantras in English that work in SECONDS! These are cosmically charged words / commands. Speaking them takes a couple of SECONDS and the shifts they bring ALSO take just a couple of SECONDS! And since the law of attraction states that our internal reality creates our external reality you will not just feel better but also see results in your money, health and relationships (including an organic connection with the universe).

The Decrees are word technology at its amazingest! The use of the right words in the right order brings about incredible speedster shifts in any project (the problem you are facing) instantaneously – swift, gentle, powerful, Speedster Shifts!

How does it work

Everything is energy, including language. Energy is a vibratory, sentient frequency. We are constantly vibrating. Whatever or whoever we see, hear, touch, smell, taste is also vibrating. We respond or react to the vibrations we come across and others respond or react to our vibrations. Words are a vibration. Decrees are words with very high vibrations. They carry a frequency that when used in a certain way, heals faster than anything else!

Decrees can take us from low vibrations of fear-based decisions or ego-based power games  to a high vibration of guided answers and win-win solutions. The decrees work at all levels you can think of - head, heart, emotions, thoughts and behaviours simultaneously.

There are 4 ways in which a Decree works -

1. You may manifest your intention immediately. For eg. recover stuck monies or get a promotion, etc.

2. A block may be revealed. For eg. fear of accumulating lots of wealth

3. You may receive a message, guidance or intuition. For eg. apply for a new job or even call an old friend

4. You may receive an opportunity to reach your goals faster.  For eg. partnerships may show up

Disclaimer: The reverse may also happen to show us what is required! For example a big bill may show up when doing money work. Higher bills when doing money work mean one half of you (the giving) needs to open up so the other half of you (the receiving) can get more.

The reverse may also happen to show us what is required! For example if you receive a big bill and are anxious about paying it, it may reveal that you have block in "giving" which needs to open up so you can create space for "receiving".

There are several unbelievable but true stories of the Decrees' success - like Leena manifested USD 6,445 / Rs 5,00,000 in one day! Vaishali’s 2-month back pain went in a day! Elizabeth’s 30-year-old knee pain was gone in minutes! 1,000s more have experienced such tangible results.

Amazing Features & Benefits of The Decrees

★ The simplicity of the process – it is just few words and numbers!

★ The Decrees give the fastest shifts in the world - in seconds and minutes!

★ Use it on anything and everything, anyone and everyone including pets, plants, etc.

★ It’s easy to do it yourself, for yourself, loved ones, clients, pets and plants too!

★ See results in the external world within 24 hours!

★ Chronic Projects get relief in minutes

★ Trauma from the past goes away

★ PTSD comes down

★ Stuckness releases, blocks get busted

★ You connect to your authenticity and truth fastest

★ You draw healthy boundaries quickly as self-respect and self-esteem rise

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About Your Healer-Instructor, Nidhu B Kapoor


Nidhu B Kapoor is the ONLY practitioner in the world doing 5 minutes Speedster Lightning sessions. Nidhu aka Speedster is the owner and sharer of the world's fastest, simplest, easiest manifestation technology - The Decrees, a 5D language of light where shifts take place IN SECONDS!! Deep and complete healing work takes anywhere from 8 months to three years, BUT with The Decrees, it takes seconds, minutes, weeks and just a few months! Just look at some of the work - The 10-second workout, Double your Bank Balance in 7 days, Manifestation mastery in minutes, Reduce diabetic signs in 11 days, The fastest pain-killers possible, One-minute cosmic massages for chakras and organs and many more.

Great happy changes in health, weight release, body shaping, food cravings, procrastination, sleep cycles, lifestyles, stress levels, energy levels, positivity, relationships, bank balances are a happy side effect of working with The Decrees. It’s maximum results for minimum effort and 1,000s of people around the world vouch for it and regularly practice this incredible Zip Zap Zoom modality.

Nidhu is a regular speaker and guest on the world’s most prestigious healing Telesummits like ‘From Heartache to Joy’ and ‘You Wealth Revolution’. Indian Bollywood superstar, Vidya Balan has gone on record to say Nidhu is the world’s best healer!

Being the owner and shared, Nidhu is also the Original Master of The Decree programs, challenges and certified courses.

Connect with us if you wish to know more


Ph: +91 93220 17119

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