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Khushaali Gaurrang Somaiya

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Akashic Records & Akashic Tarot for Wealth!

✔ Identify and release hidden deep origins of your issues

✔ Receive guidance with healing upto 2 months

✔ Attract unexpected allies and sources of abundance

✔ Get the option to have your property’s Akashic records read!

The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Devi Money Summit 2023

Highlights from the Call

Click here for PDF with Akashic Guidance for
Financial Abundance (Oct 2023 - March 2024)

• Click here - Accessing Akashic Records of a Property! Is it possible?

• Click here - Akashic Tarot Guidance! (Receive if you resonate)

• Click here - RECEIVE! Akashic Clearing to increase self-worth & net worth!

• Click here - Akashic Healing for Relationship, Doubled Business!

• Click here - Akashic Tarot to clear Money Matters (mini-demo sessions)

Increasing Abundance with Akashic Records & Akashic Tarot

Akashic Records are energetic records of our soul’s thoughts, actions, experiences from every lifetime the soul has lived. Therefore, accessing this sacred book can help us retrieve information and in turn heal past traumas, old wounds, habits, belief systems and even soul contracts.

Akashic Tarot, a deck of 62 cards, a tool for unveiling hidden insights, and unleashing new powers - connects us with spirit guides, angels, ascended masters and many more spiritual beings to receive answers about our issues and how we can improve our wealth.

The difference is that you can access the Akashic realm via meditation using the Akashic records, while you don’t need to meditate to access Akashic Tarot.

In a session with Khushaali, she will access your Akashic records (with the help of meditation / with the help of Akashic Tarot) to investigate the hidden deep root causes of why you are not able to manifest the Money you’d like. She looks for a soul contract, curse, vow, multiple-lifetime blockages or ancestor blockages. All of these can be identified, released and healed allowing you to fully step into your maximum abundance and attract more Monies, opportunities, clients, sales and more!

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About Your Prosperity Expert, Khushaali Gaurrang Somaiya


Khushaali Gaurrang Somaiya is a highly sought-after Akashic Records Trainer, Osho Zen Tarot Trainer, NLP & EFT coach, Switchwords facilitator, Ramal Vidya expert, Tarot card reader, Angel therapy healer and Bach Flower therapist.

Khushaali learnt Akashic records at a time she was not a believer of the modality. Her first question when she joined the course was “Why have I chosen this modality to learn and what is my life purpose. Why am I constantly getting messages about my life?.” She felt like someone was trying to connect with her to provide guidance. She connected with her grandfather who turned out to be her guardian angel and since then, whatever decisions Khushaali has taken based on the guidance have proven to be the best decisions of her life.

Being passionate about helping and teaching others, Khushaali continually upgrades herself, consults and constantly comes up with new ways to help people heal via the modalities they resonate with. Within a short period of 3 years since 2019, Khushaali has guided and helped heal more than 5,000 people.

Connect with us if you wish to know more


Ph: +91 93220 17119

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