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Khushaali Gaurrang Somaiya

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Activate Money Flows:
With Akashic Tarot & Multi-Modality Healing

✔ Option for Multi-modality healing for 1 MONTH!

✔ Multi-modalities include - Violet Flame Healing, Karmic Clearing, Hoʻoponopono, Vedic Switchwords Chanting

✔ Specially Created Packages Valid for Limited Time Only!

The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Devi Money Summit 2022

Highlights from the Call

Click Here - Abundance is not just Money! Access abundance in all areas of life with Akashic Tarot

Click Here - General Akashic Tarot guidance for the coming 2 (watch follow up healing video in description)

Click Here - Violet Flame Healing for relationship with person, money even health. Choose your intention and join

Click Here - Get a glimpse of how a Akashic Tarot Reading is done with Khushali Gaurang Somaiya

Click Here - Akashic Tarot & Multi-modality healing helps increase abundance in many ways!


CLICK HERE to watch Call Replay 2

Akashic Tarot Reading with Violet Flame
Healing for More Monies

There are many types of abundance blocks rooted in different points of origin. Here are some ways -
• Money blocks rooted in past lives
• Money blocks passed down via past generations
• Karmic reasons
• Vows, agreements, contracts of poverty and fears
• Toxic relationships, people and situations

These can be identified by Akashic Tarot reading.

Sometimes, making changes at the mental, emotional and physical level is not enough to clear abundance blocks and attract money. As the blocks can be from past lives and hard to understand at the physical level, this is where Akashic Tarot reading and Violet Flame Healing come into the picture.

Violet Flame Healing
Violet flame healing is a tool which heals at the atomic level. It converts all negative elements till the core level to positive energy.

The Violet Flame converts negative energy into light and frees up the space occupied by the negative elements. This brings balance and harmony to all your states (health, wealth, relationships, etc.) leading you to a higher spiritual state as well.

Benefits of Violet Flame Healing

★ Heals at the cellular level! Also, mental, emotional and spiritual levels

★ Removes all types of negative energies and emotions related to any

trauma, pain, disease or any issue you may be having and converts them

into pure divine light

★ Replaces a not-so-favourable negative core belief system with a positive one

★ It helps in healing the present, also past and future as well

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About Your Prosperity Expert, Khushaali Gaurrang Somaiya


Khushali Gaurang Somaiya is a highly sought-after Akashic Records Trainer, Osho Zen Tarot Trainer, NLP & EFT coach, Switchwords facilitator, Ramal Vidya expert, Tarot card reader, Angel therapy healer and Bach Flower therapist

 Khushali has always been passionate about teaching since childhood. After completion of Masters in Electrical engineering, Khushali started her career as a professor in her alumnus.

 Her introduction to the realm of healing was a miracle. She saw a Tarot advertisement popup which intrigued her to take up the spiritual journey. After dealing with many clients, Khushali’s curiosity to learn more and more modalities increased, to help people overcome their challenges.

 Khushali learnt Akashic records at a time she was not a believer of the modality. Her first question when she joined the course was “Why I have chosen this modality to learn and what is my life purpose. Why am I constantly getting messages about my life?.” She felt like someone was trying to connect with her to provide guidance. She connected with her grandfather who turned out to be her guardian angel and since then, whatever decisions Khushali has taken based on the guidance have proven to be the best decisions of her life. 

Being passionate about helping and teaching others has helped Khushali move ahead in the path of educating, consulting professionally and serving as many people as possible through various modalities. Within a short period of 3 years since 2019, Khushali has helped and nurtured the lives of more than 5,000 souls.

Connect with us if you wish to know more


Ph: +91 93220 17119

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