The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Devi Money Summit 2023
Highlights from the Call
• Click here - 2-minute Tip to balance your ShivShakti Money Energy!
• Click here - Find out if releasing vows can cause adverse effects
• Click here - WHY We take vows? (negative & positive reasons!)
• Click here - Pathbreaking details with examples - Chakras, Elements & Money connection
• Click here - Signs our element / chakra is blocked and impacting our finances
• Click here - Join powerful guided process - Release a scarcity vow with Mother Earth
• Click here - How past vows impact the entire family. One-on-one demonstration with Kalyaan Kumar Jain
Releasing vows of scarcity of Cash Consciousness
In his personal session and workshop, Kalyaan follows the principle of new energy replacing old energy. The technique clears age old scarcity issues of Money through dissolving vows related to earning and creating Money.
It follows the principle of using the 4 elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth to dissolve, disintegrate, clean, clear and finally release all old stuck energy around your Money flow.
In the workshop, 4 main processes are taught. Also, 10 powerful clearing and release declarations and statements to be used as per guidelines.
Once you start releasing yourself from the aware and unaware vows, there is new space created for holding empowering thoughts relating to cash and its flow.

About Your Prosperity Expert, Kalyaan Kumar Jain

Kalyaan Kumar Jain practises and applies interesting and intuitive Mind – Body – Heart – Soul metaphysical healing modalities.
All his programs are rooted in Indian shastras, vedas, epics and culture and provide support and guidance in understanding our karma. His karmic journey led him to understand and undergo the various healing modalities.
Kalyaan lives in Mumbai, India, loves to walk in different cities, travels long distances to savour simple local food and immerses himself in movies of all languages.
In the recent past, he has increased his work exponentially through the therapies he practises. He has seen a rise in his income and his work has expanded more than before.