The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Healers' Training Summit 2022
Highlights from the Call
• Click Here - What are Akashic Records? Superbly explained by award-winning Akashic Records coach - Arpita Thakkar
• Click Here - Heal a relationship with this process: cut cords, heal + rewrite it in your mind with Arpita Thakkar
• Click Here - Receive! Need of the hour - This powerful message channeled from the Akashic Records by Arpita
• Click Here - Superb Akashic Records mini-sessions! Amazing connections with the past life and higher self
• Click Here - See how learning Akashic Records from Arpita Thakkar teaches you more than the modality itself
CLICK HERE to watch Demo Call Replay 1
CLICK HERE to watch Demo Call Replay 2
About Akashic Records
Akashic Records are the Soul's life Records, the history and imprints of all the experiences, thoughts, events and feelings of all the lifetimes the Soul has lived upto the present lifetime. It is like a "Cosmic Google" giving you information of why you are facing certain challenges in your life, guidance to help you face it, reveals your Karmic lessons, your life purpose etc.
Akashic Records consists of all our human incarnations till date. This is stored in our book of life which is in the form of vibrations and stored in the Hall of Fame on 6th plane.
The records exist in vibration. We can tap into it and read them through meditation and focused prayer. We can know the causes and conditions and even do ancestral healing, past life healing and manifestations.
It can help in knowing the cause of any pattern, relationship or event in our life.
We can access the Records of any person after their verbal permission. We can then ask questions from their masters, teachers and loved ones and bring in light in their lives. The high vibrations of the Akashic realm can bring in peaceful resolution and healing in their lives. Patterns can change and they can be free from their past karmic contracts.
How does this work
When we are connected with the Akashic realm, and with our masters, teachers and loved ones, we get to know your life from their perspective which brings healing and peaceful resolutions. The connection happens through a meditation and a focused prayer. The energy of the prayer creates a connection at the heart centre with the Akashic Records and the vibrations from that space directly gets transmitted to the heart centre and creates a shift. This shift changes the vibrations of the person and a healing takes place.
Areas of life where this works
Relationship challenges like abusive marriages, lonely marriages, toxic relationships, certain patterns, financial difficulties, health challenges, future probabilities of any relationship or situation, clarity on career choices, black magic and curses, ancestral curses and bondages, house and property matters, guidance on self growth, etc
• Heal your pain, distress and trauma by finding the reasons for their origin.
• Resolve your relationship and health challenges, fight away the curse and black magic.
• Do readings for houses and offices as well.
• Ancestral healings, past life healings are all possible with this. You can even manifest positive past lives from your Akashic Records.
• Connect with masters to get solutions to any problem.
• Get peaceful resolutions to problems and become more calm and centered.
• Enhance your intuitive abilities.
• Increase the understanding of your life purpose and attain spiritual maturity.
• Increases spiritual growth and opens growth pathways.
• Develop improved understanding of laws of the universe and laws of Karma.
Benefits of Learning Akashic Records with Arpita
★ Get attuned as an teacher! (Level 2)
★ Get practice sessions and support
★ Learn to know the cause of anything in life and change it
★ Very powerful for black magic, curses and ancestral healing
★ Transform relationship, health and finance challenges
★ Spiritual growth
★ Understanding of laws of universe and laws of karma
★ Get answers and solutions to problems
★ Connect with your Masters, Teachers, Angels, Spirit Guides, Spirit animals and Beings of love
★ Rewriting of Records is included which is something unique about this workshop.

About Your Healer-Instructor, Arpita Thakkar

Arpita Thakkar is an Alternative Therapist and a Spiritual Coach. She is an Akashic Records Teacher, Reiki Grandmaster, Tarot Card Reader, Angel Guidance Facilitator, Bach flower Therapist, Pendulum Dowsing Teacher, Switchwords Master, and more.
She is a Transformational Coach, and the author of the book "Turning the Mind Lights On" She is an award winner for the "NARI SHAKTI" award in the year 2017 and has even received "THE BEST AKASHIC RECORDS COACH" Award multiple times. She specialises in teaching Akashic Records. Learning and teaching Spiritual modalities feeds and charges her Soul.