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Shveta Sharma - Healing Money Wounds and Receiving

Enriching, Prosperity-Filled Call Completed

On The Mystic Lotus Devi Money Summit 2024


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Some Highlights from the Call

Click Here - The 4 stages of Money as life progresses. See how we change and grow

Click Here - What are Money wounds? How do they impact our Manifestation? Shared with examples by Shveta

Click Here - How Money wounds can be healed. Digging approach (demonstration with a participant)

Click Here - The confidence to be a Billionaire with Theta Healing - Money inflows, receiving with Joy - all activated after Theta Healing® with Shveta (testimonial)

Click Here - All package details with stunning success stories - Shveta shares!

About Theta Healing®

Theta Healing® is a meditation healing technique that uses Theta brain waves to promote physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. By entering a pure Theta state, individuals can connect with the Creator of All That Is and facilitate manifestations.

Theta brain waves operate in the mind's interface between the conscious and unconscious realms, where memories, emotions, beliefs, and behaviours reside. This wave state is associated with creativity, inspiration, and spirituality, enabling us to reprogram our minds to eliminate limiting beliefs and foster positive thinking.

The method connects us to the Creator on the 7th plane through meditation, channelling light and energy to the body. It allows for self-scan or remote healing and enhances intuitive abilities. By shifting to the Theta state, the subconscious mind becomes more accessible, allowing rapid changes in mental programming. Theta Healing® focuses on identifying and transforming core beliefs across all belief levels with positive programming, accelerating the manifestation process.

Theta Healing® encourages a witness mode, where the healer acts as a creator while the recepient assumes the role of a witness or co-creator.

How It Works

Everything is energy, and our thoughts carry vibrations that influence our bodies and lives. Theta Healing® meditation induces a Theta state, slowing brain waves and inducing calmness. This state, encompassing subconscious mind functions, holds our thoughts and belief systems from this life, past lives, and genetics. It allows us to address and alter negative beliefs while accessing the unconditional love of the Creator, integrating it into all aspects of our lives.

Benefits of Theta Healing®

Helps heal physical ailments, finances, relationships, mental & emotional issues, fears and phobias

Generations of patterns can be broken in seconds or minutes

black magic & ancestral curses can be removed permanently!​

Manifestation becomes very fast!

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About Your Prosperity Expert, Shveta Sharma


Shveta Sharma is a Spiritual Healer and Energy Work Facilitator for over 9 years. She is the practitioner and instructor of various healing modalities such as Theta Healing®, Akashic Records, Dream Therapy, Angel Healing & many more modalities. She has been recognised for her sincere endeavours as Iconic Woman of the Year 2020, Dynamic Personality 2021, Real Superwoman, Women of Substance and so on.

Shveta has dedicated herself in bringing healing and peace in diversified areas, be it physical ailments, where she specialises in cancer cases and was awarded by Artemis Hospital, Gurugram for being a Spiritual Leader. She has also worked on autism, dyslexia, fears and phobias, depression, anxiety, addictions, relationship issues, insomnia, weight management, covid cases, etc. With the vision to contribute in spreading consciousness and unity, she has also set up a Meditation & Spiritual Retreat Centre in the Himalayas in Uttarakhand 'Unfurl Retreats'.

Shveta has also founded Ahaana Holistic Healing Centre since 2014, where Ahaana means “The Light Within.” While enabling people with her healing touch, she discovered the artist in her, and found theatre and dance as an expression of love & joy, and established Founder of Rhythmos - a Dance-Drama Company. Shveta has also had a versatile career from being a SAP consultant to event manager to an author to store manager of Fabindia to landscaper before she decided to find her life purpose and pursue it.

Connect with us if you wish to know more


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