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Healers' Training Summit 2021
What are Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower remedies are essences of 37 different wildly growing flowers developed by Dr Edward Bach, a surgeon and homeopath, in the 1930s. These are distillations from various flowers, designed and blended together to heal negative states of mind and restore the emotional balance.
The most effective, quick, potent and long lasting energy medicine for emotions, Bach Flower Remedy has been around for 87 years. Based on the same principles as Homeopathy, Bach is used extensively in addressing energetic imbalances arising due to disturbed emotional states, transforming difficult personalities, allowing you to respond calmly to intensely stressful situations and taking you through major milestones in life. This gentle flower power reduces and eliminates mental and emotional suffering, debilitating crises and allows you to see and think clearly. This course is useful in learning how to use these remedies for yourself and your loved ones or support your existing healthcare or healing practice.
Bach Flower Remedies are about creating balance, harmony and restoring the “missing energy” in a human or animal. Therefore, this has a direct effect on the person’s thinking, emotions, aura, chakras, energy meridians and way of being.
Benefits of Bach Flower Remedies
• Boost your other ongoing therapies - BFR is non-invasive, non-interfering with any other type of healing or medication, gentle and yet powerful.
• Quick effects - seen in a few hours or 1-2 days depending on the severity.
• Suitable for human beings, babies, kids, animals and even plants!
• There are specific remedies for 100 + issues like anger, guilt, grief, letting go of the past, stubbornness, learning difficulties, anxiety, fears, panic, depression, loneliness, sensitivity, allergies, etc.
• Bach Flower Remedies have zero side effects, it is the safest and most effective energy healing tool!
• With the help of BFR, a person feels safe and secure regardless of whatever may be occurring for them.

About Aditi Nirvaan

Aditi Nirvaan is a holistic life coach with an experience of more than 16 years. Her journey with Bach Flower Remedies began in the year 2004 when she was in the middle of her spiritual journey and had to leave behind trauma, abuse, alcoholism, depression and more. Bach Flowers played a huge role in making Aditi feel safe and supported in her transformation.
A few years later Aditi completed the Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner Certification from the Bach UK center. But what taught her the most, was her total of 16 years experience in working with thousands of people from around the world. Many of Aditi’s clients were then eager to learn this from her and she began teaching Bach Flower Remedy in 2017.
Aditi has read many books on this healing technique and has trained and supported hundreds of people. Her 60-page course eBook is her entire experience, training and insights into this almost seemingly magical energy medicine. Being a healer, therapist and coach for all these years, her extensive and deep practice has also added new dimensions to the Bach Flower Remedy course that will help you grasp and use this course in a practical hands-on way.