The Mystic Lotus AWESOME!
Healers' Training Summit 2022
Highlights from the Call
• Click Here - Always feel good about yourself! Build a powerful self-image IN MINUTES with this NLP technique
• Click Here - When somebody irritates you, follow this Super Fun NLP process and laugh it away
• Click Here - See how even simple words can completely change the way you communicate & feel
• Click Here - Stop overthinking or negative self-talk in seconds with this simple NLP technique from Abhay Thakkar
• Click Here - See how to make the most of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) in different walks of life!
CLICK HERE to watch Demo Call Replay 1
CLICK HERE to watch Demo Call Replay 2
About NLP With Abhay
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) involves the application of words, games, understanding behavioural patterns, healing emotions and issues in different walks of life.
• Fun Game based method is unique approach. You can even reach meditative states by playing games in this technique
• Anyone and everyone can apply the techniques all the time. We are always communicating - with self and/or others. As far as we communicate, we can apply ‘mindfulness with words’
• You need not share the issue with anyone to gain benefits from the techniques
Benefits of Learning NLP from Abhay
★ Abhay's trained from 15 NLP trainers including the founders of NLP
★ Exclusive information not available anywhere else
★ Learn to help heal those who don’t want to share their issues
★ Tools to deal with children, rebellion, addictions, procrastination, etc.
★ For success in all areas - sports, dance, corporate, counselling, healing, etc.
★ Effortlessly merges with any other healing technique
★ Apply all techniques on self, family, friends, clients, students, corporates, etc.

About Your Healer-Instructor, Abhay Thakkar

Abhay Thakkar is India’s first trainer to be certified as NLP as well as New Code NLP Trainer by co-creator of NLP - John Grinder as well as co-developers of New Code NLP - Carmen Bostic and Michael Carroll. He has mentored participants from over 35 countries and held training sessions in Italy and Spain.
For over 12 years, Abhay has assisted people to overcome and heal issues ranging from procrastination, anxiety, fear, depression, relationship break-ups, traumas, abuse, dealing with loss of loved ones and professional loss, multiplying business profits, etc.
He has held workshops for many corporates, educational institutes, NGO’s, Doctors and Mumbai Police.
Abhay's mission statement:
“I’m passionately empowering individuals to connect themselves with their highest potential and to assist them to trust in their purpose of life. Thereby, that they create, lead and live a fulfilling life contributing to their world and outside their world.”